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The Future of MRI Technology: Emerging Trends and Applications

The Future of MRI Technology: Emerging Trends and Applications

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) field is cited as one of the most significant and beneficial medical developments. Its inception dates back to the early 1970s when Raymond Damadian invented the first MRI scanning machine. The impact of this field has been visible till now. Magnetic resonance imaging has become an invaluable tool for doctors, […]

IT and Cybersecurity Unveiled: What Is Ethical Hacking?

IT and Cybersecurity Unveiled: What Is Ethical Hacking?

In the ever-evolving era, where technology is at the forefront of every individual’s life, no one can overlook the importance of protecting digital assets, networks, and IT systems against cyber attacks. Furthermore, external threats like malware, phishing, DoS, social engineering, trojan horses, and many more surround everyone from individuals to businesses.  In order to prevent […]