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Affordability Meets Success of Passion

At Stellar Career College, we are your trusted partner when it comes to alleviating financial burdens. Our financial assistance services are designed with students’ needs under consideration. Evaluate your eligibility and take the first step towards achieving your dream career.

Financial Aid
Types of Financial Aid

Types of Financial Aid

Pursuing a healthcare, technology, and supply chain management career can uplift financial challenges. It can be worrisome for enthusiastic students to allocate funds for tuition fees and other expenses.

At Stellar Career College, we are committed to distribute the unnecessary financial burden students may face while opting to achieve their goals. Applicants can access various grants and financial aid options depending on their eligibility. These include

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grant

Stellar Career College Indiana is approved under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) Act as an institute offering quality and expert training courses. In addition, the Local Workforce Innovation Boards have identified our degree programs as eligible for WIOA-funded training.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) Act, enacted in July 2014, was put forth to provide financial help for training those below the federal poverty line, laid off from employment, or have insufficient household income.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grant

Navigating the Financial Aid Process

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Bachelor Of Science (B.S) In Logistics, Warehousing, And Supply Chain Management

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Financial Aid Information for Applicants:

If you want to avail Pell Grant aid, please visit and submit your applications. The Stellar Career College’s code is 037593. Please note that our college may appear as “Computer Tutor Business & Technical Institute” which was our former name. Select this option and proceed with your application.

Financial Aid Process Video